
Crunches Never Again

January 1, 2019

Life is about our daily habits that make us who we are. The other aspect to regular habits is they also create the opportunity for dynamic breakthroughs. The wisdom of our bodies responds very strongly to our regular, daily habits. Think of any time when you had a regular routine – either filled with good habits or bad. The daily workout of a bodybuilder or the 16 hour computer routine of a professional game player will show the results of consistent patterns of behavior over time, the longer we do them. Just like our lives can end up being defined by what we do with regularity, for both good and bad, the same goes for the body.

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Call Your Mom

December 1, 2018

Everything we experience in life is experienced through our brain and nervous system. It is strange when we stop to think about it, but we don’t see reality exactly how it is, we see how it impacts our bodies. And that impact becomes known to us by our nervous system. At a fundamental level, we see a representation of the world around us through how it is absorbed and processed by our bodies, and the part of our body that does that is our brain.

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Ouch Take A Painkiller

November 1, 2018

Health is a game of spirals. Meaning that once your health starts moving in a direction, it is much easier to spiral up or down in that same direction. No matter which direction, once you start going one direction it is easier to keep going – either getting healthier or getting sick.

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Keep Your Feet On The Ground

October 1, 2018

Our body can teach us important lessons if we know how to listen. A great lesson that is easy to see once we “look under the hood” is how our bodies protect what is most valuable. In other words, the body has its most vital organs, the brain and spinal cord, wrapped inside tough bony structures – our skull and spine. And just like our body protects its most valuable possessions tightly, with hard, unyielding bone, it is important that we protect our most vital possessions. And among the most vital possessions you could have is your health.

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Best Way To Sleep

September 1, 2018

Life is easier and less confusing when we embrace the simple truths that are inside of us already. Chiropractors make use of this wisdom and work with the body to achieve results, both with chiropractic care and in life in general. Take the way that our bodies communicate for example. The communication inside is amazing, with a city’s worth of information going along wiring connecting your body and brain across lines known as your spinal cord and nerves. These nerves carry information in them, just like communication lines.

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Checked Out

August 1, 2018

The world has more information at our disposal than ever before. This information has created wonders in society, but for people has also created confusion. Some of this confusion is based on the constant search outside ourselves for answers, and not looking inside of ourselves for what we already know.

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Be Glad You Made It

July 1, 2018

Finding the right solution to any problem is key in life. A chiropractic principle famous in the profession for many decades is the virtue of specificity in chiropractic adjusting. That is the real value of having an expert helping you with your problems – they have the skill sets to find the specific solution to your specific problem.

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9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

South Austin Chiro

9701 Brodie Ln Suite 202
Austin, TX 78748

(512) 326-2520